Rizki Tarisa's Go joins the league of unique high-tech chairs

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Normally when we talk about high-tech chairs, we think of utmost lounge comfort, balmy shapes, high-powered music system and uber-techno workstations. However, there’s also another generation of high-end chairs, as evident by Rizki Tarisa’s Go which elevate the horizon of high-tech chairs to a different level.
The Ideation Award 2010 entertained this unique piece of multi-functional chair which harnesses human power to juice up electronic devices. Designed by Rizki Tarisa, this concept furniture is a lounge chair, an exercise bike, a worskstation and a desktop, all integrated in a single unit. Needless to say, that it also features internet access and music player. The user can generate green energy by simply pedaling the bike.
Besides Go, the Empower rocking chair and the Mood Chair too feature some extraordinary functions, which make them different from many of the best high-tech chairs or concepts.
Empower rocking chair that generates renewable energy
It’s another chair that uses advanced technology not only to comfort you but also to churn out renewable energy. The Empower rocking chair is the creation of industrial designer Ryan Klinger. It harnesses energy from its swing and transfers it via USB to juice up various gadgets.
The Mood Chair
Then there’s the Mood Chair, which is also an amusing interactive piece of furniture. It virtually reveals your mood while you’re resting on. It works with embedded micro-chips , LEDs and specific sensors that translate the mood of the user into different light patterns

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