Top 10 Scariest Haunted Places In The World

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In anticipation of the Holloween, listed are some of the scariest real places in the world.
I have been to some of these places. I am not attractive to the supernatural (that’s not surprising because I am not attractive to the, er, natural either). I have never had a close encounter. Other claim to see some ghost with their peripheral vision, hear some voices, or feel something but as for me, zit.
So this list is primarily based on interviews, surveys and, of course, the actual stories of the haunted places. Hey, why don’t you make some or one of these places your next vacation destination?

10. Catacombs, France

The Paris government saw how fast their population is growing and there aren’t enough lands for people to buy and live on. So they figured, why not take the cemeteries out of the way? They ain’t coming back to life anyway.
Catacombs is the official dumping place of skeletons from cemeteries that were demolished to make way for the subdivisions where the living can live on. This place also called Empire Of The Dead and has become some sort of the tourist attraction. Many of them experience some strange happening. Some of the tourists, specifically those who go there without a tour guide, get lost in there forever.
Way to promote tourism.

9. The Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana

Allegedly, there is this slave named Chloe and was forced to become the mistress of the general. Time came when he lost interest in her, she became so angry. She began stalking the general and eavesdropping on his meetings and coversations. When the general caught her, he did a Tyson. Well, sort of a Tyson. He cut off her ear.
To hide her deformity, she began wearing a green turban. She also decided to poison the general’s wife and two children. In all fairness to her, she confessed. Naturally, she was killed as a punishment and her body was thrown into the Mississippi River.
People often see the girl with green turban appears every so often. There is also an Indian girl, a haunted mirror that supposedly hold the spirits of the dead wife and children and the spirit of William Winter (a writer who was murdered in the house).

8. Goldfield Hotel, Nevada

George Wingfield allegedly had an affair with a girl named Elizabeth. She got pregnant. He wasn’t cool with that so he chained her to a radiator in room 109 and kept her there till the child was born. He then threw the child down a mineshaft under the hotel.
Elizabeth died but is decided to stay and haunt the place. People claimed to have heard a voice of a baby crying and a woman’s voice can be heard sometimes.

7. Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California

Sarah Winchester, wife of the boss of munition companies, decided to consult a pastor when her children kept on dying because of diseases. The pastor said the family is cursed because her husband’s business killed so many people during the war. The spirits want her to keep on building the house for her to live, if she stops, she will die.
I don’t know what’s the connection but hey, I’m just writing this okay.
She started constructing doors and windows. When she stopped, an Earthquake occurred so she continued again until she died. Now, there is no exact number of the windows and doors. It’s a tourist attraction and is known for being some sort of a puzzle house.

6. The Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

The castle’s dungeons became the hang out of the victims of the Black Death plague where they also died. There have been sightings of varied kinds in the castle, including spirits of prisoners, a headless drummer, a ghost dog and other paranormal phenomenons like the feeling of being watched, tugging of the arm, and drop in temperature.

5. Waverly Sanitarium, Kentucky

Built in the early 1900’s, those with tuberculosis came here for a cure, only to end up dying.
Located in Louisville, Kentucky, spirits with no eyes have been seen. It is also said that if you take a ball with you and go to the children’s ward, and roll the ball away from you, it will mysteriously roll back with unseen hands pushing it.

4. Unit 731 Experimentation Camp, Harbin, Manchuria, China

It is said about 250,000 Chinese were used as guinea pig for biological warfare stuff and they were left here to die.
Most of these Chinese were taken in Japan’s conquest of Manchuria at the beginning of WWII were intentionally infected with diseases such as anthrax, cholera and even bubonic plague. To gauge the effect of these diseases on their “subjects”, live, un-anesthetized vivisection was performed. In many cases the subjects would regain consciousness while the dissection was taking place.
Parts of the Unit 731 complex still remain and you can still take a good look at where the experiments were performed, courtyards and open areas where prisoners were subjected to live bombs detonated at close range to enable researchers to evaluate the effect of explosives of the sort that Japanese soldiers were encountering in the fields.
Paranormal activities reported were ghost lights and apparitions are frequently seen, including a ghostly figure that walks the empty precincts surrounding the frostbite units, ghostly voices, ghosts joining tourists in the photo taking.

3. Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, Oswiecim, Poland

An estimated 2.1 to 2.5 million people were killed in the gas chambers here and most were Jews. The thing is that estimate is the minimum.
Between January 1942 and March 1943 over 175,000 Jews were gassed to death here, their bodies burned in open pits nearby as part of German’s extermination efforts. Germans used Zyklon-B gas that can kills up to 4,420 persons in about 20 minutes.
Tourists break down in tears for no apparent reason and many have to abandon their tour groups without ever completing the tour. Birds still refuse to sing in the trees around the death camps, natural environment just wont grow and the silence is so deafening.

2. Underground Vaults, Edinburgh, Scotland

Many tourists have been attacked by the unseen and left with bruises, cuts, and scratches. Others have been knocked unconscious and overcome by debilitating nausea and vomiting. It is said that it became the home of many homeless in Scotland. When the outbreaks of plague and other devastating illnesses happened, many of the people who took refuge in the vaults ultimately died there.

1. Diplomat Hotel, Baguio City, Philippines


Easily the scariest place on Earth. The minute you set your foot in the building, you will want to run away like a worm buried in salt for no apparent reason. It’s that effin’ scary.

The former Diplomat Hotel in Baguio City, Philippines sits on top of the Dominican Hill. It used to be a rest house and a seminary way back 1911 before it was developed into a hotel.

During the World War II, numerous nuns and priests were beheaded here. Since the death of its owner, Spiritual Healer Tony Agpaoa, in 1987, the hotel ceased its operation and has been closed to the public. It was declared off limits to visitors as well. Apparently because of the countless of ghosts who like making themselves felt including headless priests, floating nuns, and others.

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