10 Most Beautiful British Women

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10 Most Beautiful British Women - I ain’t a big supporter of the Britain royalty but when I look at their women, I realize that royalty does exist and they are the princesses and queens.
Now, if only i could understand what they are saying.

10. Naomi Watts

She is the one person on this list who looks prettier without make up. She can leave her hair uncombed for five effin’ days and she will look just as hot.

9. Kate Winslet

She’s not for everyone, certainly not for me but that doesn’t stop me from acknowledging that she has one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood.

8. Cheryl Cole

I just learned of her recently. Sort of the Britney Spears of Britain, only she can really sing. Like Jennifer Lopez, only she’s not that big of a bitch. She’s hawt. And this Dancing with the Stars dancer Derek Hough has her. Lucky dork.

7. Kiera Knightly


She’s not like a drop dead gorgeous kind of girl but she has a certain appeal. I don’t see the appeal but I have been assured by other men that it’s there.

6. Emma Watson

Our little Emma is all grown up. She kinda makes me feel like a phedophile but she’s legal now. I can… you know… have a crush on her.

5. JK Rowling

Okay, so she’s not your usual drop dead gorgeous woman. I haven’t even seen on her bikinis but somehow that is not important. She’s a great writer… a true alpha female. And I like it.

4. Kate Beckinsale

Now she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s perfect and she can sure kick butts.
She has the perfect body, the perfect face, the perfect style… perfect!

3. Elizabeth Hurley

I think Hugh Grant is stupid for letting her go.
I know she’s white but she gives a somewhat exotic appeal, spicy and uncommon.

2. Audrey Hepburn

I think she’s an epitome of self-issues. She thinks she’s too fat, too tall and just plain ugly.
That is perhaps why she was often “accused” of being anorexic.

1. Elizabeth Taylor

Okay, stop imagining her as she is now. Google her old photos and you will see what the rage is all about. I think God took His time on creating her.

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