Let’s get on with the more serious stuff. We’ve talked about the decade’s defining moments in music and sports, two of my favorite things. For today, let’s look at the biggest news in general. We are swarmed with thousands of news daily but there are those that create such a huge impact that they actually change how the world operate.
Most of these actually deal with social and political issues. These are the ten biggest.
10. 9/11 Attack (2001)

A highly coordinated terrorist attack on the United States shook the world and most especially the Americans.
It was unimaginable, unbelievable, unfathomable and oh so real.
Many offer theories on the motivation behind the attack but whatever that real reason was, it will never be acceptable for the people who lost the people they love.
9. Iraq War (2003)

I will not get into the debate on whether or not it should have happened. I want to dwell on what we will all not disagree on and that is the fact that there are many families who suffered because of the war, families in the US, Britain, other countries who helped the US and the families in Iraq.
It should stop… suffering that is.
8. Hurricane Katrina (2005)

Who are we to blame? No one really. No one is responsible but when you walk the streets and see dead bodies lying everywhere, you realize there was nothing we could have done to stop Mother Nature but something can be done to extend help once something like that happens.
Leaving dead bodies for four days… that will never be acceptable.
7. Death of Michael Jackson (2009)

One of the few remaining living legend in music passed away.
Suddenly the world realizes and acknowledges his greateness.
How sad was it that he had to die for the world to start looking at him as a musician and not as a freak.
6. South Asian Tsunami (2004)

It was a hard punch to make everyone realize US and Europe does not make up the world. There is the other side of the world. The side we only paid attention to for their beaches, mountain, weather and food.
5. Global Financial Crisis (2007)

The financial crisis of 2007-2009 has been called the worst financial crisis since the great depression of the 1930′s. Economies worldwide have slowed as credit is tightened and international trade declines. The stock market has crashed, unemployment has risen, and governments around the world have issued unprecedented fiscal stimulus packages.
The world was and is poor.
4. 7.0-magnitude earthquake occurs in Haiti (2010)

Just as when you thought the world has had enough, the world from under decided to shake things up with a 7.0-magnitude earthquake occurs in Haiti.
3. The Rise of the Young and the Internet (2001)

The world of power is dominated by old men who get their kick out of getting more money and more people to do everything they ask them to do.
Then the internet and communication technology suddenly became the strongest weapon against these old powers. And man was it some weapon. The world suddenly found themselve being led by guys who just got out of college and some not even done with it.
The internet is reigning supreme and it is a glaring sign that we are living in a new era. An era that will evolve faster than we can understand it.
1. Barack Obama elected 44th president of the United States (2008)

It was a glorious moment.
It was a moment that proved the world it is possible. It is possible for anyone to fight centuries upon centuries of injustice and win. Once again, America proved to everyone it’s a free world. Not perfect but free.
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