A fisheye camera mounted atop the ten-story Mate-Demate Device (MDD)
captures the three-day process to lift the 100-ton orbiter Endeavour and
place it atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. The camera photographed
the process every 10 minutes for nearly three days, and every one
minute for the final process (about an hour or less) of pushing back the
747 out of the MDD for takeoff. Note that the selections on this page
pick out the best shots and key events – particularly sunset, twilight
and night shots, plus the crane attachment and detachment, lift to mate,
and pushback of the 747 – from the several-hundred-photo sequence. Most
daytime and night shots were similar, but a time-lapse movie may be
available soon to view!

Endeavour is pushed back from the Mate-Demate Device at sunrise September 16.
Endeavour is seen atop the 747 SCA at dawn September 16.

Endeavour is pushed back from the Mate-Demate Device at sunrise September 16.

Endeavour is seen atop the 747 SCA at dawn September 16.