Gillian Bell’s cake designs looks like body parts

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Eat your heart out: Gruesome cakes made to look like brains, eyeballs and severed body parts
  • Gillian Bell’s cakes are taking pride of place in a London exhibition to raise awareness of different diseases
Baker Gillian Bell’s cupcakes are the height of bad taste – featuring horror movie-style severed body parts, gaping wounds and skin diseases.
Ms Bell, 34, shuns the usual trend of happy colours and pretty patterns and instead creates gruesome cakes for fans with a sweet tooth and a strong stomach.
Now her fiendish fancies are taking pride of place in a London exhibition to raise awareness of different diseases.
Eat your heart out: Gillian Bell’s cake designs include this gruesome severed heart with stitches

Talent: Gillian Bell, left, pictured with her gruesome cakes which would make perfect Halloween’ treats

She said: ‘It’s quite boring making the regular cakes that everyone else does – it’s much more fun doing the gruesome ones.
‘It’s funny to see people’s reactions because they obviously taste lovely just like a normal cake.
‘Some people bite straight into them and others can’t bring themselves to do it. It’s just getting past the image, your eyes fool you into thinking you’re about to bite into a wart.’
Eyeball cupcake? Her designs are perfect for people with a sweet tooth and a strong stomach
Bloody: A flesh cake covered in stitches and a three tiered cake with a blood-dripping heart
Delicious: A red brain cake made by Ms Bell who once ran a cake shop in Edinburgh
Ms Bell, of Kirkcaldy, Scotland, once ran a cake shop in Edinburgh where she would get regular requests for unusual cakes.
She left the shop to return to education but carried on making cakes in her spare time.
The ‘Eat Your Heart Out’ exhibition at St Bart’s Pathology Museum runs from October 26-28.
Gross: An ear, eyeball, finger and severed limb are seen bobbing in a bucket full of blood
Tasty? The idea behind the designs is to make cakes that raise awareness for diseases and illnesses
Ms Bell said: ‘The idea behind the exhibition in London is to get designers to make cakes that will raise awareness for diseases and illnesses.
‘So there are going to be cakes that look like diseased hearts and even STDs.
‘The designs that I will be displaying have a skin complaint theme – so it’s boils, warts and chilblains.
‘I’m delighted to be taking part. It’s a great chance to get my designs out there on display in public.’

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