Paper Birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

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Paper Bird or Real Birds 

a special collaboration in this project:  talented Victoria Holguín (professional photographer from Colombia) in which we are including the "subject" into a real context that provide a new information of it and its relation with the enviroment. As a body with movement, the inclusion allow me to create a new reality recreated in the habit, behavior, situation and intention of each element represented.

Since i know me i have been very curious about this place. i like all i see and i enjoy to be here. I like as a person to question myself, and find the way to get my own answers. I feel inspired about everything. There is a lot of information everywhere, in each thing that exists, in nature, animals, humans, everything that has a life, a shape, a color.
I have this question all the time about what is the life, where is the point where it starts. The movement for me has been the big question. Understand it in the way that is the tool by which we can communicate, that allow us to relate with everything that exist in the space, and then, discover that in this relations, things are created, transformed, improved in this constant evolution.
Temporality and change, all the process that is hidden in the creation. As an artist i recreate the process of nature, this experience that teach me the time that take the things to form, to grow, to find its own place and way in the universe.  To work with paper is important in the way is temporal and fragil. It contents a life and a process of transformation, same process of the subjects i talk about in my works. I concern about the little interest we as humans have lately in the relation with the nature and with my work i hope i can help in the reflexion of  those things that will dissapear soon.
Diana Beltran Herrera.

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