Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home sold in Arizona, will be preserved

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PHOENIX (Reuters) - A Phoenix home designed by legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright for his son and daughter-in-law was purchased by anonymous benefactors on Thursday, sparing the distinctive residence from possible demolition.

The David and Gladys Wright House, which features a circular spiral layout reminiscent of Wright's iconic Guggenheim Museum in New York, was purchased for $2.38 million, listing agent Robert Joffe said.

The Chicago-based Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy said it had facilitated the purchase of the home by the anonymous buyers, who would in turn transfer the property to a not-for-profit organization for restoration and maintenance.

"This purchase is a magnificent and generous action," Conservancy president Larry Woodin said. "It is a gift to the people of Phoenix, a gift to the worldwide architectural community and to everyone that cares about the history of modern architecture."

The conservancy said plans for restoration were already under way and that donations would be sought from the public to continue that work. The new owners were also seeking historic landmark designation for the home from the city of Phoenix.

Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home sold in Arizona, will be preserved - Read Full Story at Arts-Reuters

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