New York library unveils plans for overhaul of Beaux-Arts flagship

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York Public Library released designs on Wednesday for an overhaul of its flagship Beaux-Arts building in Manhattan that will open to the public spaces that only library staff have seen for the past few decades.

Under the plan, patrons will be able to borrow books from a new 100,000-square-foot lending library, creating what Mayor Michael Bloomberg said would be the largest combined research and circulating library in the world.

"With the Central Library Plan, we will open up more of our landmark building to the public, offering both circulating and research collections in one place, as well as the programs, classes, materials and services needed by our patrons," New York Public Library President Tony Marx said in a statement.

The building, with two stone lions famously guarding the entrance on Fifth Avenue, opened in 1911 and was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1965. It became a research-only library in 1981 when the lending library was rehoused in a relatively drab building across the street.

That building will be closed when the renovation project is completed in 2018.

New York library unveils plans for overhaul of Beaux-Arts flagship - Read Full Story at Arts-Reuters

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