Overweight, pimples, dull complexion - not from nerves, but from malnutrition. It's nerves - from obesity, pimples, and so on. We answered the most frequently asked questions about the products, so you can finally relax and enjoy the pleasure of eating.
Is it true that alcohol fat?
Alcohol does contribute to weight gain. It has a lot of calories, and it stimulates the production of gastric juice, so after a couple of glasses of our appetite increases. It also interferes with the liver to break down carbohydrates and convert them into glucose, causing blood sugar level drops, and to raise it, we will again reach for food. Finally, the body tends to recycle in the first place is alcohol, and only then begins to absorb the rest. Therefore, drinking regularly, you gain weight, even if you prefer a low-calorie beverages. The main enemies of the figure - cocktails. In 200 ml of strawberry daiquiri 260 calories in 200 ml of mojito - 200. Approximately 130 kcal contained in a glass of white wine (150 ml) in a glass of vodka (50 ml) - 55. The most innocuous - Red Wine: 150 ml contains 125 calories, lots of antioxidants, and it lowers the level of homocysteine in the blood - a substance that promotes the development of heart disease. But remember, everything in moderation - no more than one drink a day.
Can a diet to cure acne?
Dieting does not save you from rashes on the face, but it can cushion a hormonal imbalance due to which the sebaceous glands are working in three shifts. So if you want to get rid of teenage atavism, immediately eliminate from the diet of sugary sodas and alcohol, add more vegetables and foods with a low glycemic index (whole wheat bread, oatmeal and brown rice).Similar menu normalizes insulin - the hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose levels.And after insulin level off and the level of other hormones, that's fine too.
Is it true that green tea speeds up your metabolism?
Yes, green tea consists of 30-40% polyphenols - antioxidants, accelerating metabolism and thus helping to lose weight. Black tea polyphenols only 3-10%. In addition, green tea prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system and even protect against cancer. A recent study showed that it improves memory.
Why is everyone talking about the fact that such products, which is gluten-free - is that bad?
Gluten or, more simply, gluten - a protein contained in the seeds of cereal crops such as wheat, rye, oats and barley. He gives the elasticity and firmness of the dough and makes the bread soft and tender. Recently, nutritionists blame gluten in many troubles, for example, there is a theory that it was he who provokes the development of autism in children. In addition, many people suffer from gluten intolerance: a mild form it manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions to foods containing gluten, but a complete intolerance (celiac disease) can seriously complicate a man's life, as a so-called hidden gluten found in nearly all foods factory production - from chocolates to sausages. This is due to the fact that gluten, inter alia, also cheap but effective preservative. If you are not allergic to gluten, to move to a fully gluten-free diet, of course, do not.
However, when the diet is rich in foods like yogurt cheap with infinite shelf life and the bread, which is not spoiled for weeks, the level of gluten in the body starts to go off-scale, and its surpluses are deposited on the walls of the intestines and cause digestive problems.
Is it true that coffee is bad for the skin, and health in general?
In large doses of coffee can cause irritable bowel syndrome, impairment of reflexes, heart palpitations, migraines and sleep disorders. However, some studies show that moderate amounts (no more than 300 mg a day) coffee is useful - it, like in green tea polyphenols lot. But from unroasted green coffee beans - all storehouse of nutrients. Among them - chlorogenic acid, which breaks down fats. Green coffee is prepared as roast: milled in a coffee grinder and the grain is cooked in any usual manner. True, grassy taste of green coffee, almost no flavor and refreshing caffeine in it less than roasted.
Is it true that spicy food helps to lose weight?
It depends on what kind of spices used in the cooking process. For example, the cayenne pepper contains a substance capsaicin, which helps burn fat and suppresses appetite. Black pepper improves digestion, increases metabolism and helps to lose weight because it contained alkaloid piperine. It is extremely effective in the fight against obesity and spicy mustard: just one teaspoon can accelerate the metabolism of almost 25%. Help break down fats, normalize metabolism and improve digestion cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, cardamom and ginger. But do not run to the Indian or Mexican restaurant - the food at these locations catering not only acute, but also terribly greasy. Therefore useful to prepare for the waist spicy food better at home.
My friend and I together
Healthy foods in the right combinations become even more useful. Introducing the perfect pair.
Whole wheat bread and whole wheat bread strawberries in a lot of iron, which helps fight fatigue. And vitamin C present in strawberries, helps the absorption of iron by the body.
Green Tea and Lemon Green Tea will be even more useful if you squeeze a lemon into it: Vitamin C enhances the effect of catechin, a substance contained in green tea and accelerating the breakdown of fats.
Broccoli and mustard in mustard and wasabi contains the enzyme myrosinase, which promotes the release of broccoli sulforaphane - a substance that prevents the development of cancer.
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