Hi lovelies!
The weeks fly past and we approach the homestretch of the year at super zonic speed it seems. Where oh where has time flewn I wonder!?
I want to apologise for the little time I am able to spend here with you. Without making you feel uncomfortable with too many private details, let's just say that life is kicking up a fair few challenges since a little while back which keeps me beyond stretched. I am laying the foundation for a more solid future and am absolutely certain that 2013 will rock!

So here we are, just around the corner of one of my favourite holidays of the year - 'Thanksgiving'. If I could choose one holiday that would be adopted into the Swedish calendar of traditions this would be it. I can't think of any more worthwhile and heartfelt celebration than that of gratitude - towards life, the world, our loved ones, and of course also ourselves. I would even include some thoughts of thankfulness for the things and people that aren't so good because it is due to trying times and challenging confrontations that we grow, evolve and learn to appreciate!
Before I sign off for today, I wish to announce the winner of my Swedish give-away. The announcement has been much delayed due to above mentioned 'hickups of life', however it is with great joy I congratulate Tina of the lovely Swedish blog 'Komma Hem'! GRATTIS TINA!! Jag vidarebefodrar dina detaljer till Pia på pureskin.

OK lovelies, time for me to sign off. And I do so with gratitude and thankfulness in my heart towards dear Pia of pureskin for hosting this give-away. I know the lucky winner will just love her pick! TACK Pia!
Big hugs and all my love to my dear blog friends.
Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!
xx Charlotta
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