Beautiful plush bump chenille
by the yard...
Now thats what I'm looking for...
I live just north of Los Angeles nice area with loads of
open space... but not many hobby shops around..
I 'm trying to find bump chenille and
having not much luck..
so I thought maybe the best thing to do
is to put a "HELP" call out there to all
of my Blogging Buds..
It's a numbers thing....
If you have any of this in your stash of Vintage
Supplies or if you have a source that you know of
where I could purchase some please let me know...
Right now I'm looking for white 3" bump
but heck other pastel colors are
always a welcome in my Studio
If you want to do a trade whatever..
Keep your eyes peeled
Thank You friends~
Now back to my "Big Girl Job"

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