What are Green Salads

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Those who have the word "salad" is strongly associated with Olivier, it's time to stop thinking in cliches. In the world there are more than a thousand varieties of lettuce, and one and all are extremely useful for health and figure.


Key staff

In salads contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid, vitamin E and PP, the organic acid salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and sodium, as well as chromium, zinc and bromine. In addition to these leaves a lot of folic acid, which regulates metabolism, strengthens the nervous system and helps with depression, stress and emotional disorders, and at the same time improving reproductive function.

Color Theory

Lettuce - one of the main sources of chlorophyll, the green pigment, which has a mass of useful properties. Chlorophyll structure coincides with the structure of hemoglobin, so it improves the blood. In addition, he is involved in the formation of immunity, accelerates the recovery processes in the body, improves kidney, has beneficial effects in disorders of the thyroid gland and diabetes. In addition, it strengthens the nervous system, increases resistance to stress and slows down the aging process.

Article for storage

• Always remove podvyadshie and darkened areas of the leaves before putting salad on a plate.
• Keep the salad in a plastic bag in the refrigerator and exclusively, thoroughly rinse the leaves under running water before eating.
• To prevent food poisoning check the expiration date, or buying a ready-made salad mixes in the package. After opening the package store no more than two days.

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To taste of the salad is fully open, you need to properly refill it.

{S: '/ upload/iblock/59d/525x645_A26CG1.jpg', t: 'Do lettuce neutral taste. Refill it with any non-refined oil with wine vinegar or yogurt '}, {s:' / upload/iblock/1a6/525x645_ANRBM9.jpg ', t:' Watercress different spicy mustard flavor. Refill it with olive oil and orange juice '}, {s:' / upload/iblock/bb0/525x645_BMW3PW.jpg ', t:' We chard fresh, slightly bitter taste. Refill the sauce of olive oil, lemon juice and honey '}, {s:' / upload/iblock/135/525x645_C22Y7X.jpg ', t:' Iceberg has a sweet taste. It is combined with olive oil, herbs and olive cream '}, {s:' / upload/iblock/e29/525x645_D23PR5.jpg ', t:' We spinach flavor is mild and sweet. Add grated nutmeg to the leaves or walnut and white pepper}

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