Another ‘Transformer’ erected, this time from old Samara Diva car parts

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Those awesome transforming characters form the movie ‘Transformers’ really won millions of hearts across the globe and equally impressive was its sequel: The Revenge of the fallen. Since that time, characters from the Transformers were a great source of inspiration for the artists and creative minds from all over the world. Earlier too we have Transformer characters erected from truck and bus parts – sometimes in China and on the other in UK. And here is another artist, Nikola Nikolov, who toiled hard to cut the parts from his old Lada Samara Diva car and welded the pieces together to give shape to this 90kg, 200cm high and 80cm broad shouldered beast. Like the movie, however, this transformer may not change shape, fly, jump, shoot or turn back into a functional car, but it’s real and symbolizes the relationship between man and machine.

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