Celebrities as Star Wars Characters

The folks at Worth1000 are masters at manipulating images with Photoshop. They were recently asked to show their results after combining famous people with Star Wars characters. Here are 10 of their best works:
First photo is Barack Windu: A Force For Change

RihannAyla – She has swapped her umbrella for a lightsaber.

Darth Homer – “I know you can hear what I’m thinking too boy…..Meow, meow, meow, meow……”

Tobey Skywalker

Queen Frodo – Frodo Baggins as Queen Amidala. Isn’t he lovely?

Leia Winehouse – They try to make her go to rehab! She said: jar jar jar!

Obi T2 will be back!

Ewok L. Jackson

Dr. House as Qui Gon Jinn

Darth Pacino, the Godfather of dark side.
So, how do you think they turned out?
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