Top 10 Moments When Interviewers Burned Interviewees

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Top 10 Moments When Interviewers Burned Interviewees - The best gauge for a celebrity’s intellect is his answers to critical questions thrown by the interviewer. It may not alway an articulate answer but if the substance is there, it will come out.
The best gauge for an interviewer’s ability is his ability to ask the right questions to get what the public needs to hear.
That is why it is twice the fun to watch reporters kick the crap out of celebrities/politicians/public figures who gives nothing but BS.

10. Anderson Cooper burns a Politician

Right after Katrina, Anderson Cooper rushed to the scene and was cut off from his producers for four days. When he made back on air, he was deep into the misery he was seeing.
He interviewed a female politician to demand explanation on what is taking the government so long to send help. When the politician decided to thank other politicians for their efforts, Cooper got pissed and went off-script saying, “Excuse me, but I HAVEN’T heard that because for the past FOUR days I’ve been seeing DEAD BODIES.”

9. Oprah burns Bristol Palin

The queen of talk was never a big fan of Palin although she never said anything bad about the former VP hopeful publicly.
On Friday, January 22, 2010, Sarah Palin went to talk with Oprah and explain to her many of the controversies thrown at her during her candidacy. Bristol joined the conversation who publicly declared that she will abstain from sex until she gets married because she has learned her lesson.
Oprah was obviously not impressed being a big supporter of “keep your private life private” movement. She has seen many of these celebrities make the same mistake of declaring their loyalty to the virginity movement only to fall later on. She told Bristol something like, “Really? Don’t you think it’s no one’s business?”

8. Jay Leno owns Hugh Grant

Jay Leno was Hugh Grant’s first interview after he got caught getting a little sumthin’ sumthin’ in the car from a prostitute.
Leno has always been known for his immense respect to his guest’s private lives. He was never the David Letterman type who will make his guests cry or put them on the spot. He is conservative or decent, depending on how you want to put it.
But I guess this time is one of the few exceptions. Leno decided to ask the one question bogging everyone’s mind, “What the hell were you thinking?”

7. Jon Stewart owns Obama

Stewart has always been criticized for never criticizing the Obama administration. Stewart just shrugged it off. Now, this guy is so hot nowadays that he got the President to guest on his show. No, he didn’t go to the White House, Obama went to his set, sat on the usual guest chair and went one on one with Stewart. If that is not enough he showed everyone how you burn a President.
He reminded Obama of the “Yes, We Can” mantra and asked him straight out, “What happened to your ‘Yes We Can’? or is it ‘Yes, we can… BUT?”
When Obama responded to explain things aren’t easy. Stewart sarcastically laughed. Uh huh, he laughed at the President of the United States in his face.
Totally BURNED!

6. David Letterman owns Bill O Reilly

Bill O’Reilly visited Letterman for round two with David Letterman over Iraq. In the show taped on Monday but not aired until Friday, Letterman expressed disgust with the war: “So we’ve made a mistake in war, so we stay there and kill as many Americans as we possibly can? That’s the way you get out of a mistake?”
At another point, Letterman fretted: “It’s all about oil. That’s why we’re there. Big deal.” When O’Reilly asserted that “it isn’t ‘We’re a bad country, Bush is an evil liar.’ That’s not true,” Letterman retorted that “I didn’t say we were a bad country. I didn’t say he was an evil liar” and charged: “You’re putting words in my mouth just the way you put artificial facts in your head.”
Letterman may be a funny man but he is a smart funny man. Not so sure about O’Reilly.

5. David Letterman bullies Paris Hilton and Regis and Kelly puts Leighton Meester in her place

This may seem harsh but this is Letterman, what else do you expect?
Letterman interviews Hilton after she just came out of prison and kept on prying about her experience “inside”. At first Hilton tried to play it nice but when things were getting too hot, she tried to bail by saying she came there to promote her perfume or something like. Letterman simply said something like, “I want to talk about your prison time more.”
Hilton broke into tears and Letterman… laughed.
On the other hand, Regis and Kelly sit with Meester to talk about the success of Gossip Girl. Regis, being older and unaware of what the show is all about asked Meester about why she thinks the show is successful. Meester asked Regis why isn’t he watching the show to which Regis responded, “Do you watch my show?”

4. Dominick unknowingly got Rick Sanchez fired

Sanchez, in conversation with the radio anchor Pete Dominick, criticized Stewart and called him names.
Here is the quotation marks of two of the most controversial statements:
Dominick: “How is he [Stewart] a bigot?”
Sanchez: “I think he looks at the world through, His mom, who was a school teacher, and His dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a middle class suburban New Jersey home with Everything You Could ever imagines.”
Dominick: “What group is he towards bigoted?”
Sanchez: “Everybody else who’s not Like Him. Look at His show, I mean, what does he surround Himself with? “ “I’m Telling You That everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to IMPLY That Somehow They, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”
Sanchez didn’t even know he was being burned and FIRED.

3. Matt Lauer burns Tom Cruise

Do I have to explain this?

2. Katie Couric with Sarah Palin

Couric did a series of interviews with Palin. Everyone’s favorite is when she was wearing the iconic pink dress when Couric asked whether there should be a bail out to save the economy. Palin obviously didn’t know what to say so she decided to, I don’t know what its called, say some crazy bullshit at best.
Honestly, she made the puppets of Jeff Dunham look like M.I.T. graduates with double Ph.D.s from Yale and Columbia.
Couric didn’t have to exert an effort, Palin so burned herself, no CSI can identify her ashes.

1. Anderson Cooper made a Racist Sexist Teacher Resign

So, this teacher made comments about his hatred for gays on his facebook.
What else were you expecting? Everyone couldn’t believe this is coming from a teacher. Cooper got a chance to interview the teacher. I definitely think Cooper was getting the teacher to realize what a stupid he did. Gender doesn’t matter, it never mattered. “Humanity matters” is the point Cooper was trying to make.
Cooper is so damn good at what he does, he didn’t just made the teacher realize what he did was wrong. He made the teacher resign his post.

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